English: United against Eigenbedarfskündigungen

Saturday, November 18, 2023 Event: United against Eigenbedarfskündigungen

Eigenbedarfskündigungen (an eviction notice from the landlord claiming they or a member of their family want to move into the apartment) are increasingly threatening tenants in Berlin.
Tenants are not only being forced out of their apartments, but out of their neighborhoods and communities, and sometimes out of the city entirely!
Eigenbedarf evictions should not be trivialized. Being evicted for Eigenbedarf puts tenants in an existentially threatening situation even before they have to go through a traumatizing court case.
Eigenbedarf evictions rip tenants from their regular lives and communities, increasing the risk of physical and psychological illnesses.
We – the Bündnis gegen Verdrängung und #Mietenwahnsinn (alliance against displacement & rent madness) ‒ are taking action against Eigenbedarf evictions. We are organizing an event to support tenants in their struggle!

Have you received an Eigenbedarf eviction notice and don’t know what to do? Do you know people who need support?
At the event, there will be information about fighting Eigenbedarf evictions and opportunities for tenants to join together and connect with local tenants‘ initiatives.

Receiving an Eigenbedarf notice doesn’t have to result in eviction!
It’s worth it to fight ‒ together we have a better chance of winning!


Saturday, November 18, 2023
14: 00 – 18 :00
Kiezraum at the Dragonerareal
Obentrautstr. 19-21
10963 Berlin – Kreuzberg

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